Something That Make Me Proud
Day 3 of the Live Your Legend writing challenge poses a new question on what makes you proud. The objective of this lesson is to start recognizing patterns in the things you care about the most. There are many things that make me proud. My marriage, my faith, my work, my family but the biggest one is my kids. I have great kids.
I remember thinking when I was first pregnant that I could look at having kids as either being a blessing or a burden. There are so many parents that complain about how much their life has changed, how much time raising a child takes, not having enough time for themselves. Whether they mean it or not, the child seems more of a burden. I always chose to think of them as a blessing. I was getting the awesome responsibility to be a caregiver for a short time to two beings. I felt it was a privilege and I gave thanks every night for it.
As a young mother, I was given a lot of advice on what to expect. With a newborn, I was told I'd never sleep through the night again. I was tired a lot but within two years, I was sleeping pretty good. "Oh just wait for the terrible two's". There was nothing terrible about it. Every day just got more fun. As the years passed, we waited for middle school or what I told them were the "Ugh years". When they were 8 or 9, they asked me what that was and I told them that's when they'd be horrible and wouldn't listen and I would just say "Ugh" until it was over. They promised me that wouldn't happen. And it didn't. We got them to high school. They were in sports, band and school government. Yet again, we didn't have any problems. We really didn't. No back talking. No disobedience, No rebellion. No drinking. And thank God, no drugs. Nothing. Now, they've made it through college and onto their careers & personal relationships. They are contributing members of our society. Mission accomplished.
We've always had happy, healthy fun boys that we've enjoyed every day of their existence. They've turned out to be kind, thoughtful, hard working and loving human beings who care about others. There is nothing that makes me prouder than having those two kids call me Mom.
Kim Matlock is currently the Head of Matlock Digital Group. She is a self-proclaimed girly geek, life-long LOTRs fan, loves wine in a platonic way, enjoys taking terrible pictures & overshares too much on social media. You can get in touch with her at